My new website can be found at http://www.quernuscrafts.co.uk/
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Welcome to Quernus Crafts!
Welcome to Quernus Crafts - the home of all things cute and quirky!
I've been spending some time tweaking the website, and you can now:
- have a look at all my creations, from Rainbow Cats to Wee Beasties, as well as the commissions I've made
- visit my online shops (Folksy for the UK and Etsy for everywhere else)
- contact me regarding commission requests or anything else
- see what has been written about Quernus Crafts in the Press section
- catch up with all the latest News from Quernus Crafts
If you want to return to the main page, click on the large logo at the top of every page.
Helpful stuff
I'm in the process of collating articles, features and other interesting things. Check back here for more updates!

I am completely self-taught, and have moved from one medium to another as the inspiration takes me. At present, I am completely hooked on polymer clay and making cute wee creatures.
As well as making wee creatures, I work for a local arts organisation promoting and supporting local artists.
To see my Blogger Profile, click here.
Why Quernus Crafts?
quernus adj. [Latin, quercus; cf. querneus] of oaks, oaken
Oak trees hold a special significance for me, which is why I want them to play an integral part in the identity of the business. There is something magical about each small acorn holding the potential to become a magnificent oak tree with all its natural intelligence and beauty. I firmly believe that everyone has this potential within them, and part of my ongoing mission is to give others like me the chance to follow their heart and allow that acorn to become the mighty oak it longs to be.
Watch this space!
I'm in the process of compiling a list of all mentions and features Quernus Crafts has had on websites, gift guides, e-commerce sites, blogs, etc. Check back soon to read more!
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